About the time of the coming of the Antichrist – abbot Gavril (Galev)

The coming of the antichrist is a reality and it will happen some day – when it will be, no one knows but the heavenly father. Therefore, do not believe any such prophecy, although the actual state in the world shows the time is quite near. It could happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or in a year, but also in a thousand years. This question has upset the Church right from the start. You remember that the holy Apostle Paul, too, writes about this to the Thessalonians (2Thess. 2), and still the antichrist, after almost 2000 years now, has not yet come.

His work is to intimidate the people of God and sow anxiety in our hearts, but we have nothing to be afraid of and be anxious about. We should prepare ourselves as if it would happen already tomorrow. By virtue of confession, fasting, prayer, repentance, virtues – and as a seal and fullness of all this by regular partaking of the Precious and Life-creating Mysteries of Christ – let us exert ourselves in the struggle for purification of our heart from the passions, for opening of our heart to God, and for actualization of the fullness of the baptismal grace of the Holy Spirit within our heart. Let us fill ourselves with every good deed. Let peace and Love in our hearts be our sole criterion, and thus we will prevent the coming of the antichrist and help each other and also the ones in our surrounding.

To complete with, repeat constantly – at all times, and particularly whenever you find yourselves in trouble and temptation – the prayer ‘Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner’, or its shorter version ‘Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me’.